Step 1 Assemble all equipment: catheter, lubricant, drainage receptacle (container).
Step 2 Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and clean the penis and opening of the urethra.
Step 3 Lubricate the catheter.
Step 4 Hold the penis on the sides, perpendicular to the body.
Step 5 Begin to gently insert and advance the catheter.
Step 6 You will meet resistance when you reach the level of the prostate. Try to relax by deep breathing, and continue to advance the catheter.
Step 7 Once the urine flow starts, continue to advance the catheter another 1 inch. Hold it in place until the urine flow stops and the bladder is empty.
Step 8 Remove the catheter in small steps to make sure the entire bladder empties.
Step 9 Wash the catheter with soap and water. If the catheter is disposable, discard it right away. If it is reusable, rinse the catheter completely and dry the outside. Store the catheter in a clean, dry location.
Step 1 Assemble all equipment: catheter, lubricant, drainage receptacle.
Step 2 Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water and clean the vulva and opening of the urethra.
Step 3 Lubricate the catheter.
Step 4 Locate the urethral opening. The opening is located below the clitoris and above the vagina.
Step 5 Spread the lips of the vagina (labia) with the second and fourth finger, while using the middle finger to feel for the opening.
Step 6 Begin to gently insert the catheter into the opening. Guide it upward as if toward the belly button.
Step 7 Once the catheter has been inserted about 2 – 3 inches past the opening, urine will begin to flow.
Step 8 Once the urine flow starts, continue to advance the catheter another 1 inch and hold it in place until the urine flow stops and the bladder is empty.
Step 9 Withdraw the catheter in small steps to make sure the entire bladder empties.
Step 10 Wash the catheter with soap and water. If the catheter is disposable, discard it right away. If it is reusable, rinse the catheter completely and dry the outside. Store the catheter in a clean, dry, secure location.
Change condom and Foley catheters regularly. Condoms are usually changed daily – every other day at the longest. As for a Foley, there is no real guideline for how often it should be changed, but changes are commonly made monthly.
A Suprapubic catheter is typically inserted by a qualified physician or other health-care provider. A trained professional will also change the suprapubic catheter when needed. The individual should discuss when changes should occur with his/her doctor.