The Opportunity Center-Easter Seals Community Rehabilitation Program offers people with disabilities and at-risk individuals a chance for gainful, work-related training and/or employment opportunities in the competitive job market. Many individuals served through the Opportunity Center programs are referred by the Adult Vocational Rehabilitation Service (AVRS). Clients residing in Calhoun, Clay, Cleburne, Coosa, Randolph, and Talladega counties are eligible for services. The primary goal of the Opportunity Center is to enable disabled individuals to develop personally and vocationally and to learn skills and work habits necessary to obtain and maintain competitive employment.

Services offered include:

Assessment: Vocational Evaluation/Situational Assessment, Career Exploration, and Pre-Employment Testing (in-house or on-site).

Employ-ability Development: Work/Personal Adjustment Training, Mobile Adjustment, Job Readiness Classes, Driver’s Education, GED, Personal Development Training, Counseling Support Groups, Computer Training and Forklift Training.

Employment Services: Job Development, Job Coaching, Job Retention, Follow-Up, and Supported Employment.

Support Services: Meals and Transportation.

Work Services and Workshop Employment: May be available to those individuals who have completed a rehabilitation program (usually to complete primary contracts within the workshop). Additionally, a limited number of positions may be available to non-disabled individuals.

Contract Services: The Opportunity Center offers a state of the art, well equipped manufacturing and servicing facility supplying local industries and military services.

Company Info

6300 McClellan Blvd., Anniston, AL 36202
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