We specialize in treating females suffering from anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and associated disorders. All programs serve women eighteen and up, with additional treatment for adolescent girls thirteen to seventeen in our intensive outpatient centers in Knoxville and Memphis. Support and education throughout the treatment process is provided by our experienced and caring staff, who believe that full recovery from an eating disorder is possible. In addition to practicing well established and empirically- validated therapeutic models, our unique approach also uses metaphor and storytelling to help women understand how their relationship with food and body mirror relationships with self and others. Every patient is valued for her unique journey and her individual needs, with whole-person care as the basis of every treatment plan. Dr. Anita Johnston, international eating disorder expert and author of Eating in the Light of the Moon: How Women Can Transform Their Relationship with Food Through Myth, Metaphor, and Storytelling, serves as a clinical adviser to all Focus Treatment Centers. Anita brings over 30 years of eating disorder expertise to every woman’s treatment through her weekly consultations with the clinical team.
Company Info
- Address:
- 7429 Shallowford Road
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37421
Get Directions - Phone:
- 866-948-9013
- Web:
- http://focustreatmentcenters.com/