Serving Bibb, Fayette, Greene, Hale, Lamar, Pickens, Sumter, and Tuscaloosa Counties, our goal is to provide exceptional services to ensure that all people with disabilities or special needs and their families have equal opportunities to
live, learn, work, and play with the following Programs:
Workforce Development Program
ESWA’s Workforce Development Program provides a wide range of activities and programs designed to get individuals to work. Through the three prongs of this program: Vocational Services, Supported Employment Services, and Transportation Services.
The Vocational Services Program closes the gap between disabled and non-disabled individuals and creates, sustains, and retains a viable workforce that can support current and future business and industry. This program matches people with disabilities who want to be productive members of the workforce with employment suited for their skills.
The Supported Employment Program is much like the Vocational Services Program with the addition that this program provides a job coach to the individual who needs additional assistance. Job coaches provide one-on-one, supervised, on-site training to the individual, teaching them the skills needed to complete their job. Job coaches oversee daily the individual at their place of employment until the individual can work independently.
Transportation Program
The ESWA Transportation Department provides work related transportation to income eligible individuals throughout a 20 mile radius in Tuscaloosa County. This service is available for a six-month period, eliminating an enormous barrier to an individual’s employment. ESWA has four vans that run from 4:00 am until 6:00 pm, Monday-Friday.
Future Promise Youth Program
ESWA’s Future Promise Program provides educational and occupational services to eligible youth ages 16 to 24 in Tuscaloosa County who have dropped out of school. We seek to guide these participants on a path towards a brighter future when they are at a critical crossroad in their lives.
Parents as Teachers Program
The Parents as Teachers Program (PAT) provides information, support, and encouragement to parents in need. PAT teaches parents the skills needed to their children develop optimally during the critical, formative years of life. PAT is a champion for early intervention and parental involvement and serves as a unified voice for early childhood education and healthy child development. The program supports a parent’s role in promoting school readiness and healthy development of children.
Speech Therapy Program
We provide speech and hearing screenings, speech/language evaluations, speech/language therapy.
Nurse Family Partnership Program
Our Nurse-Family Partnership Program is a maternal and early childhood health program, fostering long-term success for first-time moms, their babies, and society. This program introduces vulnerable first-time parents to caring professionals, allowing nurses to deliver the support moms need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life. A specially trained nurse visits the mother throughout her pregnancy and until the baby turns two years old. The relationship between mother and nurse provides the foundation for strong families, and lives are forever changed – for the better
Social Security Representative Payee Program
This service provides bill paying and banking and budgeting assistance. Additionally, we assure individuals have adequate housing and provide advocacy when needed.
Referrals are made by the Social Security Administration to assist individuals who have been determined unable to manage their financial affairs.