Programs Serving 31 Counties In Central Alabama
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Clinic
ADOS testing with little-to-no wait times and feedback in one month
ASL Interpreting Program
sign language interpreting services for businesses to communicate with consumers and students
helps consumers acquire no-cost refurbished medical equipment
Certified Nurse Aide (CNA)
quality education for entry into the health care field
support for individuals with a disability wanting to enter the workforce
Learning Disabilities
transitioning students with a learning disability from high school to college
Project Search
a unique, business-led transition program for students with significant disabilities
Respite Care
A team of providers who serve Air Force families with Exceptional Family Members
Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)
work and job readiness skills for seniors
Speech Therapy
serving children and adults with communication barriers
Vocational Evaluation
testing a person’s vocational interests, strengths, and weaknesses for career planning